It’s now exactly one year ago that I made the first commit to the Homegirl repo ! A lot has happened since then.. The console is all grown up! :) It may not...
First of all, sorry for the long delay.. I don't really have an excuse for why this update took so long.. It's not like it took a lot of work.. most of it was a...
The Homegirl Workshop is now pretty much feature complete! Meaning you can now do pretty much any kind of file operations in the file manager and not have to re...
A basic version of the Homegirl Workshop (which is basically a reinterpretation of the Amiga Workbench) is now done.. Well.. when I say "basic", it's still lack...
To all who have followed my development of Homegirl so far: Thank you so much for being patient with me.. ❤ I know development have been slow at times.. This...
After almost a week of debugging and polishing, I think I've finally gotten Homegirl to work for as many people as possible.. :) First challenge was to make ins...